
Tangalyfall Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Chiots nés le 11/11/2020 disponibles à partir du 26/01/2021

Les chiots

Tiny Toon Bear - Tiny
Tiny Toon Bear - Tiny Tiny Toon Bear - Tiny Tiny Toon Bear - Tiny

Tiny Toon Bear - Tiny

Chiot n°1494782 chiens-de-france

Mâle vendu

Talk With The Wind - Rose
Talk With The Wind - Rose Talk With The Wind - Rose Talk With The Wind - Rose

Talk With The Wind - Rose

Chiot n°1494783 chiens-de-france

Femelle vendue

Touch of Golden Lady - Tara
Touch of Golden Lady - Tara Touch of Golden Lady - Tara Touch of Golden Lady - Tara

Touch of Golden Lady - Tara

Chiot n°1494784 chiens-de-france

Femelle vendue

Tender Miss Butterfly - Mindy
Tender Miss Butterfly - Mindy Tender Miss Butterfly - Mindy Tender Miss Butterfly - Mindy

Tender Miss Butterfly - Mindy

Chiot n°1494785 chiens-de-france

Femelle vendue

Les parents

Affixe Tangalyfall
Race Shih Tzu
Annonce créée le 26/11/2020
Portée inscrite sur un livre des origines ? Oui
Date de naissance 11/11/2020
Mâle 1
Femelle 3
Identification de la mère Tatouage : 900119000021383 Puce : 900119000021383